

Urbanization, Urban-Biased Policies, and Urban-Rural Inequality in China, 1987–2001

作者:luming 阅读: 发布:2006-09-08
期刊 The Chinese Economy 刊号
作者 Ming LU; Zhao CHEN 论文链接
【期      刊】 The Chinese Economy
【出版信息】 出版信息
【刊      号】
【作      者】 Ming LU; Zhao CHEN
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【关  键 词】 Urbanization, Urban-Biased Policies, and Urban-Rural Inequality in China, 1987–2001
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【摘      要】

Post-reform economic policies in China have been biased toward urban residents and have contributed to the increasing urban-rural inequality. Analysis of the provincial panel data during 1987–2001 shows that urbanization significantly narrowed the urban-rural inequality. We also find that interprovincial migration, economic opening, and governmental participation in economic activity are contributing to the expanding urban-rural inequality. The structure of governmental expenditure.