


作者:admin 阅读: 发布:2013-08-06






 Ritva Reinikka and Jakob Svensson, “Explaining Leakage of Public Funds,” The World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper 2709, 2001. 


Using panel data from an unique survey of public primary schools in Uganda we assess the degree of leakage of public funds in education. The survey data reveal that on average, during the period 1991-95, schools received only 13% of what the central government contributed to the schools' non-wage expenditures. The bulk of the allocated spending was either used bypublic officials for purposes unrelated to education or captured for private gain (leakage). Moreover, we find that resource flows and leakages are endogenous to schools socio-political endowment. Rather than being passive recipients of flows from government, schools use their bargaining power vis-a-vis other parts of government to secure greater shares of funding. These results have clear implications for research. The survey findings also had a direct impact on policy.




Bernard Gauthier and Waly Wane, “Leakage Of Public Resources In The Health Sector : An Empirical Investigation of Chad,” The World Bank,Policy Research Working Paper 4351, 2007.


In the public sector in developing countries, leakage of public resources could prove detrimental to users and affect the well-being of the population. This paper empirically examines the importance of leakage of government resources in the health sector in Chad, and its effects on the prices of drugs. The analysis uses data collected in Chad as part of a Health Facilities Survey organized by the World Bank in 2004. The survey covered 281 primary health care centers and contained information on the provision of medical material, financial resources, and medicines allocated by the Ministry of Health to the regional administration and primary health centers. Although the regional administration is officially allocated 60 percent of the ministry's non-wage recurrent expenditures, the share of the resources that actually reach the regions is estimated to be only 18 percent. The health centers, which are the frontline providers and the entry point for the population, receive less than 1 percent of the ministry's non-wage recurrent expenditures. Accounting for the endogeneity of the level of competition among health centers, the leakage of government resources has a significant and negative impact on the price mark-up that health centers charge patients for drugs.





Matthew J. Notowidigdo, 2013, “The Incidence of Local Labor Demand Shocks,” University of Chicago Booth School of Business and NBER, working paper.


Low-skill workers are comparatively immobile: when labor demand slumps in a city, low-skill workers are disproportionately likely to remain to face declining wages and employment. This paper estimates the extent to which (falling) housing prices and (rising) social transfers can account for this fact using a spatial equilibrium model. Nonlinear reduced form estimates of the model using U.S. Census data document that positive labor demand shocks increase population more than negative shocks reduce population, this asymmetry is larger for low-skill workers, and such an asymmetry is absent for wages, housing values, and rental prices. GMM estimates of the full model suggest that the comparative immobility of low-skill workers is not due to higher mobility costs per se, but rather a lower incidence of adverse labor demand shocks.






 Elaine Liu, Juanjuan Meng and Joseph Wang, 2013, "Confucianism and Preferences: Evidence from Lab Experiments in Taiwan and China," working paper
This paper investigates how Confucianism affects individual decision making in Taiwan and in China and whether the Cultural Revolution in China, which denounced Confucian teaching, has had a long-lasting impact. We found that Chinese subjects in our experiments became less accepting of Confucian values, such that they became more risk loving, less loss averse, and more impatient after being primed with Confucianism, whereas Taiwanese subjects became more trustworthy and more patient after being primed by Confucianism. Combining the evidence from the incentivized laboratory experiments and subjective survey measures, we found evidence that Chinese subjects and Taiwanese subjects reacted differently to Confucianism.


Klaus Desmet and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, 2010,  “Urban Accounting and Welfare,” NBER Working Paper No. 16615.
This paper proposes a simple theory of a system of cities that decomposes the determinants of the city size 
distribution into three main components: efficiency, amenities, and frictions. Higher efficiency and better
amenities lead to larger cities, but also to greater frictions through congestion and other negative effects
of agglomeration. Using data on MSAs in the United States, we parametrize the model and empirically 
estimate efficiency, amenities and frictions. Counterfactual exercises show that all three characteristics are
important in that eliminating any of them leads to large population reallocations, though the welfare effects
from these reallocations are small. Overall, we find that the gains from worker mobility across cities are
modest. When allowing for externalities, we find an important city selection effect: eliminating differences
in any of the city characteristics causes many cities to exit. We apply the same methodology to Chinese cities
and find welfare effects that are many times larger than in the U.S.




David S. Lee and Alexandre Mas, 2011, “Long-run impacts of unions on firms: new evidence from financial markets,1961-1999”, NBER Working Paper


We estimate the effect of new private-sector unionization on publicly-traded firms’ equity value in the U.S. over the 1961-1999 period using a newly assembled sample of National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) representation elections matched to stock market data. Event-study estimates show an average union effect on the equity value of the firm equivalent to $40500 per unionized worker, an effect that takes 15 to 18 months after unionization to fully materialize, and one that could not be detected by a short-run event study. At the same time, point estimates from a regression-discontinuity design-comparing the stock market impact of close union election wins to close losses- are considerably smaller and close to zero. We find a negative relationship between the cumulative abnormal returns and the vote share in support of the union, allowing us to reconcile these seemingly contradictory findings.





Vivi Alatas, Abhijit Banerjee, Rema Hanna, Benjamin A. Olken, Ririn Purnamasari, Matthew Wai-Poi, 2013. “DOES ELITE CAPTURE MATTER? LOCAL ELITES AND TARGETED WELFARE PROGRAMS IN INDONESIA”, NBER Working Paper No. 18798.


This paper investigates the impact of elite capture on the allocation of targeted government welfare programs in Indonesia, using both a high-stakes field experiment that varied the extent of elite influence and non-experimental data on a variety of existing government transfer programs. Conditional on their consumption level, there is little evidence that village elites and their relatives are more likely to receive aid programs than non-elites. However, this overall result masks stark differences between different types of elites: those holding formal leadership positions are more likely to receive benefits, while informal leaders are less likely to receive them. We show that capture by formal elites occurs when program benefits are actually distributed to households, and not during the processes of determining who should be on the beneficiary lists. However, while elite capture exists, the welfare losses it creates appear small: since formal elites and their relatives are only 9 percent richer than non-elites, are at most about 8 percentage points more likely to receive benefits than non-elites, and represent at most 15 percent of the population, eliminating elite capture entirely would improve the welfare gains from these programs by less than one percent.





Harmon,2012,“Are Workers Better Matched in Large Labor Markets”,Princeton University Job Market Paper

This paper examines the relationship between labor market size and job search outcomes. Much research and many policy initiatives assume that larger labor markets lead to better job search outcomes because they give workers and firms more choice in potential jobs or employees. The empirical finding that labor market size and job finding rates are uncorrelated, however, has led researchers to question this assumption. I show, theoretically and empirically, that large labor markets may cause workers to find jobs that are better matches given their individual skills and characteristics, even if they do not cause workers to find jobs faster. I construct a unique new data set from Denmark that combines administrative data, an online vacancy database and detailed geographical information. I show that workers in large labor markets find jobs for which they are a better match as measured by both previous industry experience and geographical location. They also find jobs which pay higher wages and result in longer employment spells even after controlling for spatial productivity differences among firms. The estimated effects imply that labor market size explains 7% of the spatial variation in wage premia , and also suggest a high rate of return on transport infrastructure projects that increase the effective size of labor markets by increasing workers' ability to commute to distant jobs.




Michel Serafinelli, 2012, “Good Firms, Worker Flows and Productivity”, University of California, Berkeley, Job Market Paper

A consensus has emerged that agglomeration economies can at least partially explain why firms cluster next to each other. Disagreement remains, however, over the sources of these agglomeration effects. In this paper I present direct empirical evidence on the role of firm to firm labor mobility in enhancing the productivity of firms located near other highly productive firms.  Using matched employer-employee and balance sheet data for Veneto, a region of Italy with many successful industry clusters of small and medium firms, I first identify a set of high-wage firms (HWF). I show that these firms have higher labor productivity and higher intangible capital per worker than other firms in the same industry. I then show that hiring a worker with HWF experience significantly increases the productivity of other (non-HWF) firms. This productivity effect is not driven by unobserved productivity shocks that are correlated with the propensity to hire workers with HWF experience. A simulation exercise suggests that worker flows can explain 10-20 percent of the productivity gains experienced by other firms when high-productivity firms in the same industry are added to a local labor market.




Alex Ho Lun Wong, Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang and Scott Rozelle,2013,“Providing quality infrastructure in rural villages: The case of rural roads in China”,JDE  forthcoming

When seeking to build high quality and cost-effective infrastructure in rural villages, a fundamental question is: Who is better at doing so? Should the village leadership or a government agency above the village finance and/or manage the construction of the infrastructure project? To answer this question, we surveyed all rural road projects in 101 villages in rural China between 2003 and 2007 and measured the quality and per kilometer cost of each road. According to our analysis, road quality was higher when more of the project funds came from the government agency above. Moreover, projects had lower cost per kilometer when the village leaders managed the road construction. Overall, our findings suggest that to build high quality and cost-effective rural roads village leaders and government agencies should collaborate and each specialize in a specific project role.




Jisoo Hwang,2012,“Housewife, “Gold Miss,” and Equal: The Evolution of Educated Women’s Role in Asia and the U.S.” Harvard University Job Market Paper

The fraction of U.S. college graduate women who ever marry has increased relative to less educated women since the mid-1970s. In contrast, college graduate women in developed Asian countries have had decreased rates of marriage, so much so that the term “Gold Misses” has been coined to describe them. This paper argues that the interaction of rapid economic growth in Asia combined with the intergenerational transmission of gender attitudes causes the “Gold Miss” phenomenon. Economic growth has increased the supply of college graduate women, but men’s preference for their wives’ household services has diminished less rapidly and is slowed by women’s role in their mothers’ generation. Using a dynamic model, I show that a large positive wage shock produces a greater mismatch between educated women and men in the marriage market than would gradual wage growth. I test the implications of the model using three data sets: the Japanese General Social Survey, the American Time Use Survey, and the U.S. Census and American Community Survey. Using the Japanese data, I find a positive relationship between a mother’s education (and employment) and her son’s gender attitudes. In the U.S., time spent on household chores among Asian women is inversely related to the female labor force participation rate in husband’s country of origin. Lastly, college graduate Korean and Japanese women in the U.S. have greater options in the marriage market. They are more likely to marry Americans than Korean and Japanese men do, and this gender gap is larger among the foreign born than the U.S. born.




Axel Dreher and Nathan M. Jensen, “Country or leader? Political change and UN General Assembly voting,” European Journal of Political Economy, March 2013
Volume 29.

We investigate empirically changes in voting in the United Nations General Assembly consequent to leader turnovers over the 1985–2008 period and find evidence that governments with new rulers are more supportive of the United States on important votes. We consider the explanations that might underlie our empirical result, including material gain and ethical motivations. In contrast to our findings on key votes, our results show that voting on non-key votes in the General Assembly does not robustly shift towards the U.S. following leader change. We therefore conclude that material gain is the most likely reason for the observed pattern.



Filipe R. Campante, Daniel A. Hojman, 2013, “Media and polarization: Evidence from the introduction of broadcast TV in the United States,” Journal of Public Economics, Volume 100

This paper sheds light on the links between media and political polarization by looking at the introduction of broadcast TV in the US. We provide causal evidence that broadcast TV decreased the ideological extremism of US representatives. We then show that exposure to radio was associated with decreased polarization. We interpret this result by using a simple framework that identifies two channels linking media environment to politicians' incentives to polarize. First, the ideology effect: changes in the media environment may affect the distribution of citizens' ideological views, with politicians moving their positions accordingly. Second, the motivation effect: the media may affect citizens' political motivation, changing the ideological composition of the electorate and thereby impacting elite polarization while mass polarization is unchanged. The evidence on polarization and turnout is consistent with a prevalence of the ideology effect in the case of TV, as both of them decreased. Increased turnout associated with radio exposure is in turn consistent with a role for the motivation effect.


David H. Autor, and David Dorn, 2012, “The Growth of Low Skill Service Jobs and the Polarization of the U.S. Labor Market,” AER forthcoming.
We offer an integrated explanation and empirical analysis of the polarization of U.S. employment and wages between 1980 and 2005, and the concurrent growth of low skill service occupations. We attribute polarization to the interaction between consumer preferences, which favor variety over specialization, and the falling cost of automating routine, codifiable job tasks. Applying a spatial equilibrium model, we derive, test, and confirm four implications of this hypothesis. Local labor markets that were specialized in routine activities differentially adopted information technology, reallocated low skill labor into service occupations (employment polarization), experienced earnings growth at the tails of the distribution (wage polarization), and received inflows of skilled labor.


M. Keith Chen, 2013, “The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior: Evidence from Savings Rates, Health Behaviors, and Retirement Assets,” American Economic Review 2013, 103(2): 690-731
Languages differ widely in the ways they encode time. I test the hypothesis that languages that grammatically associate the future and the present, foster future-oriented behavior. This prediction arises naturally when well-documented effects of language structure are merged with models of intertemporal choice. Empirically, I find that speakers of such languages: save more, retire with more wealth, smoke less, practice safer sex, and are less obese. This holds both across countries and within countries when comparing demographically similar native households. The evidence does not support the most obvious forms of common causation. I discuss implications for theories of intertemporal choice.


Ruixue Jia, 2013, “Pollution for Promotion,” Stockholm University Job Market Paper
This paper provides evidence on the impact of political incentives on the environment using the case of China's pollution. Guided by a simple career concerns model with the choice of dirty and clean technologies, I examine empirically how promotion incentives of provincial governors affect pollution. To find exogenous variation in promotion incentives, I explore within-governor variation in connections with key offcials due to reshuffing at the center and document the fact that connections are complementary to economic performance for governors' promotion. The data confirms the model prediction that connections increase pollution. Auxiliary predictions of the model are also confirmed by the data. First, a higher relative price of clean technologies increases the use of dirty technologies, and this substitution effect is strengthened by connections. Second, the impact of connections on pollution is more than proportional to their impact on GDP. The evidence from different sources of data is consistent with the interpretation that connections affect the policy choices of politicians.