


作者:admin 阅读: 发布:2012-09-01







Philippe Aghion, Mathias Dewatripont, Luosha Du, Ann Harrison and Patrick Legros, “Industrial Policy and Competition,” NBER Working Paper 18048.


This paper argues that sectoral policy aimed at targeting production activities to one particular sector, can enhance growth and efficiency if it made competition-friendly. First, we develop a model in which two firms can operate either in the same (higher growth) sector or in different sectors. To escape competition, firms can either innovate vertically or differentiate by choosing a different sector from its competitor. By forcing firms to operate in the same sector, sectoral policy induces them to innovate "vertically" rather than differentiate in order to escape competition with the other firm. The model predicts that sectoral targeting enhances average growth and productivity more when competition is more intense within a sector and when competition is preserved by the policy. In the second part of the paper, we test these predictions using a panel of medium and large Chinese enterprises for the period 1998 through 2007. Our empirical results suggest that if subsidies are allocated to competitive sectors (as measured by the Lerner index) and allocated in such a way as to preserve or increase competition, then the net impacts of subsidies, tax holidays, and tariffs on total factor productivity levels or growth become positive and significant. We address the potential endogeneity of targeting and competition by using variations in targeting across Chinese cities that are exogenous to the individual firm.





Ethan Lewis, 2011, “Immigration, Skill mix, and Capital Skill Complementarity,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126, 1029–1069.

Abstract: Over the past thirty years, U.S. manufacturing plants invested heavily in automation machinery. This paper shows these investments substituted for the least-skilled workers and complemented middle-skilled workers at equipment and fabricated metal plants. Specifically, it exploits the fact that some metropolitan areas experienced faster growth in the relative supply of less-skilled labor in the 1980s and 1990s due to an immigration wave and the tendency of immigrants to regionally cluster. Plants in these areas adopted significantly less machinery per unit output, despite having similar adoption plans initially. The results imply that fixed rental rates for automation machinery reduce the effect that immigration has on less-skilled relative wages.





Loren Brandt, Johannes Van Biesebroeck, and Yifan Zhang, 2012, “Creative Accounting or Creative Destruction? Firm-level Productivity Growth in Chinese Manufacturing,” JDE, 97(2), 339-351.


We present the first comprehensive set of firm-level total factor productivity (TFP) estimates for China’s manufacturing sector that spans China’s entry into the WTO. For our preferred estimate, which adjusts for a number of potential sources of measurement error and bias, the weighted average annual productivity growth for incumbents is 2.85% for a gross output production function and 7.96% for a value added production function over the period 1998-2007. This is among the highest compared to other countries. Productivity growth at the industry level is even higher, reflecting the dynamic force of creative destruction. Over the entire period, net entry accounts for over two thirds of total TFP growth. In contrast to earlier studies looking at total nonagriculture including services, we find that TFP growth dominates input accumulation as a source of output growth.





Daniel Corstange, 2009, “Sensitive Questions, Truthful Answers? Modeling the List Experiment with LISTIT,” Political Analysis, 17:45–63.

Abstract: Standard estimation procedures assume that empirical observations are accurate reflections of the true values of the dependent variable, but this assumption is dubious when modeling self-reported data on sensitive topics. List experiments (a.k.a. item count techniques) can nullify incentives for respondents to misrepresent themselves to interviewers, but current data analysis techniques are limited to difference-in-means tests. I present a revised procedure and statistical estimator called LISTIT that enable multivariate modeling of list experiment data. Monte Carlo simulations and a field test in Lebanon explore the behavior of this estimator.





Paul Gompers, Vladimir Mukharlyamov, and Yuhai Xuan, 2012, “THE COST OF FRIENDSHIP,” Working Paper 18141


This paper explores two broad questions on collaboration between individuals. First, we investigate what personal characteristics affect people’s desire to work together. Second, given the influence of these personal characteristics, we analyze whether this attraction enhances or detracts from performance. Addressing these problems in the venture capital syndication setting, we show that venture capitalists exhibit strong detrimental homophily in their co-investment decisions. We find that individual venture capitalists choose to collaborate with other venture capitalists for both ability-based characteristics (e.g., whether both individuals in a dyad obtained a degree from a top university) and affinity-based characteristics (e.g., whether individuals in a pair share the same ethnic background, attended the same school, or worked for the same employer previously). Moreover, frequent collaborators in syndication are those venture capitalists who display a high level of mutual affinity. We find that while collaborating for ability-based characteristics enhances investment performance, collaborating for affinity-based characteristics dramatically reduces the probability of investment success. A variety of tests show that the cost of affinity is not driven by selection into inferior deals; the effect is most likely attributable to poor decision-making by high-affinity syndicates post investment. Taken together, our results suggest that non-ability-based “birds-of-a-feather-flock-together” effects in collaboration can be costly.





Marc J. Melitz, Sašo Polanec, 2012, “Dynamic Olley-Pakes Productivity Decomposition with Entry and Exit,” NBER Working Paper No. 18182.

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an extension of the productivity decomposition method developed by Olley & Pakes (1996). This extension provides an accounting for the contributions of both firm entry and exit to aggregate productivity changes. It breaks down the contribution of surviving firms into a component accounting for changes in the firm-level distribution of productivity and another accounting for market share reallocations among those firms -- following the same methodology as the one proposed by Olley & Pakes (1996). We argue that the other decompositions that break-down aggregate productivity changes into these same four components introduce some biases in the measurement of the contributions of entry and exit. We apply our proposed decomposition to the large measured increases in Slovenian manufacturing during the 1995-2000 period -- and contrast our results with those other decompositions. We find that, over a 5 year period, the measurement bias associated with entry and exit is substantial, accounting for up to 10 percentage points of aggregate productivity growth. We also find that market share reallocations among surviving firms played a much more important role in driving aggregate productivity changes.





Harttgen, Kenneth and Matthias Opfinger, 2012, “In the Nation We Trust: National Identity as a Substitute for Religion”


We construct an index for national identity using information from the World Values Survey on peoples’ attitudes concerning politics and to the state itself. We then analyze the relationship between our new measure of national identity and social heterogeneity. The results indicate that religious diversity is significantly and positively related to national identity, whereas other variables proxying social heterogeneity are not. We argue that national identity is a substitute for religion. At high levels of religious diversity people do not identify with their religious group. They search other objects of identification offering common values and norms. Hence, people identify at the national level. Furthermore, democratic institutions and mobility throughout the country affect national identity positively.





Bosker, Brakman, Garretsen and Schramm, 2012, "Relaxing Hukou: Increased Labor Mobility and China´s Economic Geography," Journal of Urban Economics 72, 252–266.

Abstract: China’s Hukou system poses severe restrictions on labor mobility. This paper assesses the possible consequences of relaxing these restrictions for China’s internal economic geography. We base our analysis on a new economic geography (NEG) model. First, we estimate the important model parameters using data on 264 of China’s prefecture cities. Second, we use these estimates as inputs in a simulation of the full NEG model under different labor mobility regimes. We find that increased labor mobility leads to more pronounced core–periphery outcomes. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing in particular will further strengthen their dominant place in China’s urban hierarchy. In addition, two other groups of cities can be distinguished: those in China’s populous heartland offering preferential access to China’s enormous internal market, and more peripheral cities that are better shielded from competition with China’s economic heartland by virtue of their relative remoteness.

下载地址:(working paper版本)http://www.cesifo-group.de/portal/pls/portal/docs/1/1183861.PDF




Chiara Criscuolo, Ralf Martin, Henry Overman, and John Van Reenen, 2012,“The Causal Effects of an Industrial Policy,” NBER Working Paper No. 17842


Business support policies designed to raise productivity and employment are common worldwide, but rigorous micro-econometric evaluation of their causal effects is rare. We exploit multiple changes in the area-specific eligibility criteria for a major program to support manufacturing jobs (“Regional Selective Assistance”). Area eligibility is governed by pan-European state aid rules which change every seven years and we use these rule changes to construct instrumental variables for program participation. We match two decades of UK panel data on the population of firms to all program participants. IV estimates find positive program treatment effect on employment, investment and net entry but not on TFP. OLS underestimates program effects because the policy targets underperforming plants and areas. The treatment effect is confined to smaller firms with no effect for larger firms (e.g. over 150 employees). We also find the policy raises area level manufacturing employment mainly through significantly reducing unemployment. The positive program effect is not due to substitution between plants in the same area or between eligible and ineligible areas nearby. We estimate that “cost per job” of the program was only $6,300 suggesting that in some respects investment subsidies can be cost effective.





William F. Maloney and Felipe Valencia Caicedo, “The Persistence of Economic Activity: Agglomeration, Geography and Institutions in the New World,” February 26, 2012, Working paper.


Using subnational historical data, this paper establishes the long run persistence of economic activity in the New World over the last half millenium: rich (high-population density) areas before the arrival of Columbus tend to be populous and rich today. The data and historical evidence suggests this is due to both agglomeration effects and locational fundamentals. Though we find no evidence for a `reversal of fortune' at the subnational level, we do show that exclusionary institutions, in our case slavery, have a development impeding impact and reduce persistence, even if they do not overwhelm other forces in its favor.







Nobuo Akai, Motohiro Sato, 2011, “A simple dynamic decentralized leadership model with private savings and local borrowing regulation,” Journal of Urban Economics 70, 15–24.


This paper considers a simple dynamic decentralized leadership model with local borrowing and regional productivity-enhancing investment. In this model, the central government is benevolent but cannot commit to ex post intergovernmental transfer policies, while local governments act strategically after accounting for the ex post motives of the central government. We then investigate inefficiency in the subgame perfect equilibrium. We analyze the effect of central control on local borrowing and show that central control is of no benefit because ex ante local taxation works to offset it. We find the model yields different policy implications that central control is effective when extended to the case of residential mobility.
