近日,由陆铭、陈钊、王永钦、章元、张晏、罗长远,合作撰写的《中国的大国经济发展道路》英文版China’s Economic Development: Institutions, Growth and Imbalances由英国Edward Elgar公司出版,并在全球发行。
Ming Lu, Zhao Chen, Yongqin Wang, Yan Zhang, Yuan Zhang and Changyuan Luo, 2013, China’s Economic Development: Institutions, Growth and Imbalances, Edward Elgar.
1 Introduction: the reform and opening-up of a large, developing country 1
2 Political and social foundations of economic development 26
3 Urban and rural economic development during the process of urbanization and industrialization 62
4 Industrial agglomeration in the process of globalization and regional economic development 95
5 Transitions of public services and government responsibilities during the marketization process 125
6 Developmental imbalances and mechanisms for improving the market system 156
7 Appropriate institutions and sustainable growth: China’s development and its worldwide significance 190