

Interaction Among Construction Investment,Other Investment and GDP in China

作者:zhengsiqi 阅读: 发布:2004-03-10
期刊 Tsinghua Science and Technology 刊号 2004年02期
作者 Siqi ZHENG; Hongyu LIU 论文链接
【期      刊】 Tsinghua Science and Technology
【出版信息】 出版信息
【刊      号】 2004年02期
【作      者】 Siqi ZHENG; Hongyu LIU
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【关  键 词】 interactive effect, gross domestic product (GDP), construction investment, cointegration, Granger causality, error correction model
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【摘      要】

With Granger causality method, this paper examines the causal dynamics among three economic fundamentals: construction investment, other investment and the gross domestic product (GDP). Short-run and long-run interactive effects among these three time series are analyzed from 1981 to 2001. The empirical results show that construction investment has a stronger short-run effect on economic growth than other investment, and economic growth has a long-term effect on both construction and other investments. These findings indicate that construction investment is an important factor influencing short-term economic growth fluctuations, with its growth stimulating economic growth and its slumps leading to downside fluctuations. At the same time, investment growth cannot be sustained without the support of the national economy. These empirical results have important implications for economic policy makers in China.