“Development Empirics”特别讲座第13期
What is Environmental Justice
and Why Economists Should Care?
主讲人: Christopher Timmins, Duke University
Christopher D. Timmins是杜克大学经济系的教授,NBER环境和能能源组的研究员。他的研究领域包括能源和环境经济学、产业组织、公共和区域经济学等。他目前担任American Economic Review的编委以及Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists的副主编,也是多本环境、城市和应用微观学术期刊的匿名审稿人。
Firms can learn about new technologies from other adopters, though they do not always exploit this form of social learning. We examine whether shale gas operators took advantage of environmentally-focused disclosure laws to learn from competitors and improve productivity; with this information, we evaluate the claim that chemical disclosure rules expose valuable trade secrets. We exploit an unusual regulatory episode in Pennsylvania that allows us to see chemical inputs prior to public disclosure. Using detailed data on well-level inputs and outputs, we study how the change in disclosure regime affected operators' chemical use and well productivity.